Sweet corn is a hybridized variety of maize with a high sugar content. Unlike field corn varieties, which are harvested when the kernels are dry and mature, sweet corn is picked when immature and prepared and eaten as a vegetable, rather than a grain. The advantages of these hybrid strains are well known and have given farmers higher yields, smaller plants and earlier flowering times.
Problems faced by corn.
Corn plants are prone to a range of pest attacks during all stages of their life. A variety of pests will try to feed off the different parts of the plant, becoming a vector for disease and impacting the overall health of your plant resulting in lower yields and lower quality fruits.
Leaves that are mottled and streaked yellow and green are most likely affected by the mosaic or maize dwarf mosaic virus. These viruses have no cure and will slow or stunt the growth of your plant.
Stewart’s wilt is a bacterial disease that results in the plant’s vascular system becoming clogged with slime; infected plants will yellow, wilt, become stunted, and die.
Nutrenics Benefits for Corn.
– Increase in number of fruits per plant.
– Increased grain filling.
– Increased nutritional content (proteins, carbohydrates, oils).
– Increase in chlorophyll content in the leaves.
– Increased drought resistance.
– Increased resistance against pests and diseases.
How to Use Nutrenics.
– Eliminate the usage of fungicides on your crop.
– Reduce usage of pesticides and herbicides to when needed.
– Apply 0.5-1 Litre of Nutrenics’s microbes per 1 hectare of land.
– Repeat application every 20-30 days.
Disclaimer: Nutrenics should not be used as a substitute for good agricultural practices (reduced and responsible usage of fertiliser, reduced usage of poisons, compost, etc).
SOP for Planting Corn.
Tips and Tricks.
1. The minimum amount of corn to be planted in a space is 30 plants. Corn flowers have a hard time cross-pollinating and meeting the 30 plant minimum ensures that enough pollen is produced for the entire kernel to be pollinated.