Nutrenics Biostimulant – Pre & Probiotics for Plants & Soil


Use Natural microscopic living organisms to boost your plant and garden’s health and fertility! Simply dilute and spray on plants, flowers, fruits & soil. Nutrenics’ microbes will do the rest. They will find their way to different parts of the plants and soil, figure out what is needed to help the plants at the right time and get it done


100% Natural. No Manures. No Pathogens. Non-genetically Modified. Non harmful to People & AnimalsMore Information:
Nutrenics Plant Biostimulant is a collection of more than 15 different types of natural microscopic organisms (microbes) beneficial to plant and soil health. The microbes work together with plants on a wide variety of functions critical to the plants health.

Soil Health

Promotes a wide spectrum of beneficial soil microbial activity to improve soil health; these microbes will be ready to unlock nutrients to the plants at the specific time they require it.

Plant Growth

Plants communicate their requirements the microbes who in turn help to provide fertilisers, proteins, enzymes, growth promoters, amino acids or hormones, as required, critical for plant growth. Plants in turn feed the microbes by their root secretions.

Crop Yield

The coordination between the plants and the microbes has a dramatic effect on crop yields quality and quantity. Especially noticeable are the improved tastes, textures and aromas of all produce. Herbs smell stronger, chilies are hotter- produce just tastes and smells better! Tests have confirmed this for a wide variety of plants from rice, corn, oil palms, fruit & vegetables in both tropical and temperate climates.

Fertiliser Utilisation

The microbes dramatically improves fertiliser uptake efficiency. For the same yield results, less fertiliser is typically required which helps to avoid leaching and other common fertiliser issues.

Disease Suppression

A number of common plant diseases are significantly suppressed by a wide variety of disease-suppressing microbes present. This significantly reduces the need for pesticides, fungicides and other environmental poisons.

Environmental Remediation

All the above provide a progressive & nurturing approach to dealing with long-standing agricultural issues whilst supporting ecologically sound practices which lead to environmental remediation.

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