


Fertigation is an agricultural technique that maximizes crop yield through controlled application of water and fertilizers in a non-organic medium. Fertigation systems can be used for a wide variety of food crops and helps farmers minimise wastage.


Problems Growing in Fertigation Systems

Lack of soil micro-nutrients

A lack of micro-nutrients essential for plant health found in soil expose crops grown in fertigation systems to attacks from pests and disease.

High Startup Cost

Specialised equipments are required to grow using fertigation systems, increasing the startup cost for starting a farm.

Reliance on Synthetic Chemicals

Fertigation systems are heavily reliant on synthetic chemicals like pesticides, fungicides and soluble fertilisers to grow their crop.


Nutrenics Benefits for Fertigation Systems

  • Increase yield and quality of harvest.
  • Increased resistance to pest and disease.
  • Increased nutrient uptake.
  • Decrease in fertilisers required to grow cops.
  • Decrease in amount of pesticides and fungicides to grow crops.


How to Use Nutrenics

  • Reduce use of pesticides, fungicides and other poisons on your crops.
  • Adding Nutrenics into Fertiliser Tanks: Adding Nutrenics to the fertiliser tanks provides a continual dosage to the plants via the roots and helps to build up better and stronger rooting system. The application rates can be from 1:1,000 to 1:250. Always add Nutrenics before the fertiliser. The addition of Nutrenics will increase the EC/PPM levels and you will need less fertiliser to achieve the same EC in your tank.
  • Applying Nutrenics as Foliar Spray: Apply 0.5-1 Litres of Nutrenics microbes per hectare of land and apply as foliar spray in the early morning or late evening.

Disclaimer: For best results, Nutrenics should be used in conjunction with good agricultural practices (compost, reduced usage of poisons, etc).


Tips and Tricks

Adding organic nutrients to growing substrate will boost health and performance of plants.

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